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Sunday, March 19, 2006

4-Year Guidance Program


Guidance and Counseling Program

The Guidance and Counseling program shares and supports the mission-vision of the Chosen Few Academy which is the formation of youth into future leaders who are Christ-centered, self-directed, self-disciplined, and globally competitive individuals.

The goal of the Guidance and Counseling program is to journey with the student back to his nature and guide him to a deeper appreciation and realistic knowledge of self through carefully planned psychological services and interventions. It hopes to develop a well-integrated human person and a committed Christian leader in the service of others.

First Year Guidance Program

* Summer Bridge Program

This is a voluntary program for students who want to experience how it is like to become a college student prior to the start of the formal classes. The students are given advance lessons and a city tour for those coming from places outside Davao City. This is beneficial for the students because they will have ample time to prepare for College Life and to better adapt to their new school environment.

* Orientation Program (Students)

This program is very important and should be implemented on the first day of classes. In here, the students are oriented to the vision, mission, policies and different services that the school offers. The department heads and other school personnel will be introduced so that the students will know them and would know where to find them. This will help them in their immediate adjustments to school operations, practices, traditions and regulations.

* Orientation Program (Faculty and Staff)

It is not only the students that should be oriented with the school’s vision, mission and policies but also the Faculty and Staff especially those newly hired employees. This is important so that the Administration and the whole working force of the institution will work hand-in-hand in achieving its goals in accordance with the school mission and vision.

* Individual Inventory Service

The Guidance Counselors organize, update, and keep comprehensive records of students -- about his home and family, scholastic progress, test results, interviews, and other data deemed helpful in understanding the context of the students and in writing recommendation letters when requested.

* Once a Month Group Dynamics

This once a month group activity will help the students unwind and at the same time learn some techniques in how to effectively cope with stress, time management, study habits and get more acquainted with their classmates. They will also be taught on how to deal with their peers. This will be facilitated by the Guidance Counselor to ensure that the goals of the said activity will be achieved.

* Parental Guidance

This program will focus on the roles of the parents in the success of their children. Parents will be given a seminar on how to help or assist their children in becoming the best persons that they can be.

* Year-End Program Evaluation

Evaluating the Guidance Program will help determine its effect to the school community. This will assess whether the program is adequate in meeting the needs of the students and in improving teacher’s behavior and instruction.

Guidance Calendar of Activities (1st Year Proposal)

Month May
Activity Summer Bridge Program; Orientation of Faculty and Staff; Entrance Exam & Enrolment
Participants Incoming First Year Students

Month June
Activity Orientation of Students; Seminar: Roles of Parents in Their Child’s Success
Participants Old and New Students

Month July
Activity Seminar: Effective Study Habits
Participants All year levels

Month August
Activity Seminar: Proper Time Management
Participants All year levels

Month September
Activity Seminar: Stress Management
Participants All year levels

Month October
Activity Semestral Break

Month November
Activity Recollection: Getting In Touch With God
Participants All year levels

Month December
Activity Outreach Program to the Less Fortunate
Participants All year levels

Month January
Activity Seminar: Keeping Those New Year’s Resolution
Participants All year levels

Month February
Activity Seminar: Is it Love or Infatuation?
Participants All year levels

Month March
Activity Evaluation Seminar
Participants Faculty & Staff

Second Year Guidance Program

The 1st year Guidance Program continues on the 2nd year especially those programs which were effective in catering the needs of the incoming freshmen students. Additional programs will be added to accommodate the needs of the upper class men.

* Tutorial Service

This is available after school each day. The tutoring program will help the students academically by untangling and re-teaching those academics that are preventing a student from being successful. Students may volunteer or may be referred by their respective teachers.

* Counseling

Mainly, this is the reason for the program's existence. This is the heart and soul of Guidance. Students are called for individual or group counseling to help them in areas of concern such as in academic, personal, psycho-emotional, social, and family matters. Regularly, a routine counseling intervention is extended to everyone.

* Homeroom Guidance

Designed to enhance the year-level thrust and culture through topics that range from study skills, valuing, and developing self-esteem, to self-awareness and appreciation, class unity, to career planning and decision making. This is effectively carried out with the help of the Class Moderators as they use modules prepared by the Counselors.

Third Year Guidance Program

The third year guidance program will be geared towards the students’ need to have an in-depth understanding of himself/herself. Additional programs will be added such as:

* Psychological Assessment

The Guidance Counselors who are either trained psychologists or Psychology majors will administer and interpret psychological tests and organize the students' psychological profile. Available tests include the Myers-Briggs TYPE Indicator, the Differential Aptitude Test, Occupational Interest Inventory, Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes, as well as projective tests such as the Thematic Apperception Test and others.

* Anger Management

This is a psycho-educational process to help students cope with stressors in their daily lives and to help them learn to express their anger in nondestructive ways. Students learn problem solving skills and receive support and feedback from their peers.

* Peer Mediation

It is a program for students to enable them to see conflict as a part of everyday life and as an opportunity to grow and learn. Peer Mediation is a life skill that empowers students to solve their own problems through improved social skills, communication and understanding of differences.

* Peer Facilitator’s Service

In this program, interested students will be trained to assist other students to feel capable, understood and responsible. This program is based on the fact that youth seeks out their peers when they are experiencing some difficulties, worries and concerns.

Fourth Year Guidance Program

The Guidance Program on the fourth year will be aligned with career and job placement services. It is geared to assist systematically in developing goals and choices related to their educational and vocational pursuits. Career talks, job fairs and information on job opportunities are means to carry out this service. Students will be taught proper attitudes towards work and make adequate preparation for the life after graduation. Additional activities are the following:

* Special Group Guidance Programs

This program recognizes the unique needs of each year level. These developmental courses are looked into through specially-designed programs such as the:

- The Freshman Adolescent Sexuality Sessions
- The Sophomore Life Skill Sessions and Psychosocial Interactions
- The Career Guidance Program via the Juniors' Career Exploration sessions
- The Seniors' Educational Exploration sessions

Here are some of the Seminars to be carried out:
1. Making One of Life's Most Important Decisions: Choosing a Career
2. Understanding Your Career Interests and Abilities
3. Is This Really What I Want To Do For The Next 40 Years?
4. Selling Yourself in an Interview
5. Write Your Resume (And Cover Letter) The Right Way
6. Preparing for Finals: One Last "Crash" Course in Study Skills
7. Handle Your Stress: The Last Few Weeks of the Semester Survival Skills!


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