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Monday, March 20, 2006

Sample Group Dynamics Activity

Here's your request Jelai. ^_^ You can revise this or add a little twist para mas enjoy and depending on your participants also.

Drawing Together

To raise awareness about the importance of communication within a group.

• Newsprint paper.
• Felt-tip marker.
• Watch.

5-10 minutes

A. The participants are divided into small groups of five members. Each
member is given a number from one to five.

B. Each group is asked to make a collective drawing with a marker on sheet
of newsprint paper. They are, however, not allowed to speak and each
member is given only one minute for his/her part of the drawing.

C. The facilitator gives the start signal for the number ones. After one minute,
s/he signals the number twos to take over, and so on until all the members
of each group have contributed to the drawing. The results of the various
groups are compared and members should explain what they tried to

A. How many small groups made a coherent drawing?

B. How did they feel about the collaboration within the group?

C. How could they have made a better collective drawing?

Drawing a House

To raise awareness about collaboration and process control within a group.

· Newsprint paper.
· Felt-tip markers.

10-20 minutes

A. Ask the participants to form pairs.

B. Both partners of a pair hold the same marker in such a way that they are
able to draw or write together.

C. The partners draw a picture and write a title together on a piece of
newsprint paper. They are not allowed to speak during the exercise.

A. How did you feel and react during the exercise?

B. What factors contributed to or constrained the process of joint drawing
and writing?

C. What can we learn from this exercise? Have you ever experienced similar
feelings and reactions in a real life situation? What constraints do we
normally encounter in group collaboration?

Note: The discussion can be done as a small group assignment after which the
groups present to the other groups.

Collection of Games and Group Dynamics Simulations
Indonesia National IPM Program


Anonymous said...

hi.. i would like to ask if you could help me to come up with a group dynamic activity. the theme is MOTIVATION.. im having a hard time serching for an activity that has this theme.

thank you..


Anonymous said...

hi.. i would like to ask if you could help me to come up with a group dynamic activity. the theme is MOTIVATION.. im having a hard time serching for an activity that has this theme.

thank you..


Anonymous said...

hi...i would like to ask you if you could help me find a series of group dynamic activities.

thank you..

-) Lhay

Anonymous said...

please send a lot of group dynamic activities that is fitted for d rehabilitation center

Anonymous said...

hai im a third year psychology student , im having a hard time, thinking about SLA's can you help me to find series of SLA's? [ls highly needed


Anonymous said...

hi! how 'bout an activity related to gender sensitivity?

Anonymous said...

post many group dynamics. Thanks!

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