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Monday, April 10, 2006

I'm Getting My Bachelor's Degree in Psychology--What Can I Do With It? by Eric Landrum

Hello fellow Psychos! I know you are all wondering what kind of career you will end up with after you graduate and earn a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. Below is an article that will help or enlighten you that there are a lot of career opportunities waiting for you as you go outside the pedestals of Brokenshire College.


The answer is - plenty! While some undergraduates continue their education in graduate school, the majority of students do not go to graduate school (only about 25% of undergraduate psychology majors nationally go to graduate school). This article is about the options, opportunities, and challenges for the rest--the remaining 75% who seek a good job with their bachelor's degree in hand.

At the undergraduate level, many students select psychology as a major because of their interest in someday becoming a psychologist. If you carefully read Eye on Psi Chi articles, talk to other students majoring in psychology, and listen to your professors, you'll understand that you will not be qualified to be a psychologist at the conclusion of your undergraduate training. It's best to think of your undergraduate education in psychology as learning "about" psychology, not learning "to do" psychology. McGovern, Furumoto, Halpern, Kimble, and McKeachie (1991) made this point clear when they stated that "a liberal arts education in general, and the study of psychology in particular, is a preparation for lifelong learning, thinking, and action; it emphasizes specialized and general knowledge and skills" (p. 600). A quality undergraduate education in psychology should prepare you to be a good citizen and a critical thinker. Fortunately, the skills and abilities that psychology majors acquire through their coursework and out-of-class experiences make them marketable for a wide variety of employment options.

Read on. Click HERE!


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