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Friday, November 26, 2010

How to Prevent Aging With Vitamins

More and more people are trying to prevent the signs of getting older and make themselves look younger. One of the key signs of getting older are wrinkles and these are caused by a number of factors, including stress. Everybody feels stressed sometimes whether you are a Las Vegas property management worker or a yoga instructor. Fortunately there are many ways you can fight wrinkles and one of these is by taking vitamins.

One of the key vitamins you should take to fight aging is selenium. This is an anti-oxidant and works by protecting the skin from the attacks of dangerous and damaging cells. The vitamin has also been shown to have some positive effects against cancer in animals and may work for humans as well. Garlic, tuna and eggs are all good sources of selenium. These foods also have healthy types of fat in them which are good for the heart and body and will help make you look younger.

Vitamin E is one of the most important vitamins you can take to make yourself look younger and has been proven to have an effect on the signs of wrinkles when monitored in studies. You can swallow the tablet to allow its anti-oxidizing effect to permeate throughout the body. Alternatively, if you have a particular area of skin which needs attention, you can break the capsule over the area and spread the vitamin around.

Vitamin C is also important for fighting disease and aging. It is prevalent in a number of foods such as citrus fruits, but if you think you aren't getting enough then you can also take tablets to supplement your intake. Vitamin C is lost through the body relatively easily and so it is important to do what you can to up your Vitamin C levels.


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