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Friday, December 03, 2010

Christmas Tree Shopping With The Kids

Thanks for the post, Jennifer Mcconnell

I love taking my kids Christmas tree shopping. It's such a great way to spend time together.

We plan on making a really big deal out of it this year, since my youngest son is old enough now to understand and help with it all.

We are going to go to this really nice restaurant before going to the store this year. It's a little expensive, but I have heard it is worth it to go. They bring the food out to the table and cook it right there, putting on a show with it all. I just know my kids will love it. We already have reservations for that day.

So we'll be packing the kids into the van, set the home alarm system from and then go to the restaurant. After we're done there, we'll head over to the same place we went two years ago to find our tree. I am sure we will find one that will work well; my husband is really good at that sort of thing.

We already have supplies for the kids to make their own ornaments, just like last year. They have so much fun doing that, and it's pretty easy to do.

I hope to make this a new tradition in our household.


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