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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Most Famous Christmas Special Of All Time

Guest post from: Bruno Smith

We all know it. We all love it. We all anticipate it running for 24 hours straight starting on Christmas Eve. Yes, A Christmas Story is going to rear its beautiful head again this year. This has to be the most famous Christmas special of all time. We all have traditions built around it, too. Don't deny it!

In our family, we like to watch A Christmas Story on satellite tv from We watch it as we are preparing some of our Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. My kids will put on their Christmas PJ's so Santa will come and visit them. Then they will come into the kitchen and help make cookies, help me clean the collard greens, and get out all of the spices we need to season the turkey and all of the other good food that I will be preparing during the night. It is a tradition and I have been doing it since they were born.

I like that my kids will have this memory with them and hopefully they will pass it on down to their families. They will remember how good the house smelled on Christmas Eve while they watched A Christmas Story and laughed with mommy while we prepared Christmas Dinner.


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