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Friday, June 03, 2011

The Land Where Father Cultivated for Fruit Trees

My father had been controlling himself from trying to sell a 30-hectare plain that he inherited from his great grandfather. He had saved it for his retirement. As a person who loved tilling the soil for planting, he had dreamt of the vast land being planted with fruit trees. Setting it aside was not easy for him though, because of many financial difficulties that he had to hurdle while raising a big family. He had been tempted to sell the property many times when we started going to College.

But his dream kept him from doing so. The goals he had set for himself were so strong that he managed to make a living without having to sell the said property. During many of his trips to the land, he was able to plant the quarter of it with apple trees. After many decades, we could already taste the fruit of his passion since the apple trees are now in their primes.

Now retired, father enjoys the payoff of his goal-focused life and exceptional self-control. He still plans of planting more fruit-bearing trees. Whether it's a mango or a cherry tree, he always has the enthusiasm of tilling the soil with an expectant heart of a bountiful harvest. Not just of fruits, but more of life's lesson about living your dream no matter how difficult it might be.


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