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Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Avengers

Written by my friend Marquis Finley

A very fascinating sci-fi show that has made an impression on thousands of people is The Avengers. The Avengers is one of the most popular sci-fi shows to ever make it onto This is truly one of the greatest science fiction sitcoms to have ever been created. I love watching old reruns of this show on my satellite tv whenever I have a chance.

The Avengers is a great show that had so many different plots. Each show truly discussed all sorts of interesting story lines. In one episode, the British Intelligence agent and his wife may have had to meet with the creators of a futuristic city. In other episodes, the British Intelligence agent was responsible for fighting off major crime throughout Europe. It is truly interesting to see the different sorts of issues that the writers of this show chose to tackle. There were also many political overtones in this show at the time in which it was created. If a person has an interest in analyzing the political philosophy that underlies various shows, then it is a great idea for a person to watch this show. A person can truly learn so much by watching this show.

Overall, I think this is one of the best shows for any person to watch. A person that wants a good insight into sci-fi sitcoms should watch this one.


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