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Saturday, July 09, 2011

Graduation Announcement!

I am so proud of my cousin! Not only did he finish his master's degree on time in the International University of Japan, but his thesis paper was even chosen as one of the best. But being himself, my cousin waited a long time before he sent out the graduation announcements. He wasn't sure that he's going to make it but truth is, he's just underestimating his self. He's always been a diligent student and we never doubted his intellect and capabilities. But like I said, he's not the type of person who likes to brag about his achievements that's why it took him a while to send the invites for his graduation party. If it weren't for his mom's prodding, I think he would have not sent out the invites. ;)


Tiffany on Wed Jul 13, 03:50:00 PM said...

never underestimate thyself. You might not know, there might be a great potential hidden within you. :) I just remembered, I graduated as a cum laude, hehe ;)

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