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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Something Different Every Time I Watch It

Thanks for the article from Isaiah Gaines

My family and I are huge movie buffs, to the point that we will watch the movies over and over again just to memorize our favorite quotes to use them in our own conversations. People look at us funny and that is okay because I think deep down it is the only reason we randomly quote movies.

Starz on Demand just cycled in a bunch of new movies that I have been recording onto my DVR because I want to watch all of them and there are just not enough hours in the day to accomplish that feat. The last one I watched was entitled "Eat, Pray, Love". Yes, I finally gave in to the machine. I had heard so much about the movie and so many different quotes, I had to see it for myself. This movie can be left up to interpretation, I found no useful quotes that would help me win a good political debate but, to each his own I suppose.

Recording them works the same way as watching them right away, once you click on them, you have exactly twenty-four hours to watch the movies. I watch them on which operates on Greenwich Mean Time and also means that those of us on the right coast get a few more hours of viewing. I am not complaining about it and if it is a mistake, well, I just will not be pointing that out any time soon.


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