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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Moving All The Way

Thanks for the post from Nora Mccoy

Moving is always stressful but since I’ve got three dogs that made it harder than ever. They don’t really like to be in the car so it was a longggg ten hours out here and with all the stuff packed in as well it was a really rough ride. My new place isn’t quite as big as my old place so there’s a bit of an issue when it comes to them having enough room to roam around. I live pretty close to a dog park, though, so it’s been nice to take them up there at night and let them move around. I went to www.TEXASelectricityproviders.COM when I first got here to get my energy rates down and I’ve been in talks with the super about getting the garden fountain up and running so they dogs would have somewhere to play around here. It’s been a lot of fun getting ready to start my new job but I’m really nervous about whether or not I’ll fit in with all the other people down here.


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