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Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Straight Road to Recovery!

Habits are good when they keep you busy and going. Habits are good when you engage in social activities and events to share similar interests with friends. But it is no longer good when it is the habit that controls you. That is exactly what happens when you have a drug habit. It enslaves you.

My friend once got sucked into the world of opiate use. The highs it gave her were nothing compared to the lows it brought her life. She got kicked out of her house and she lost her husband and two wonderful daughters because the habit had destroyed her life and everything dear to her. But thanks to a drug rehab program that is effective, sensitive and sure. This drug rehab helped turned her life around! Now she is clean.... completely detoxified of opium. No relapse. And although it sounds impossible, but she has indeed taken a straight road to recovery.

Now with my friend clean, we go out shopping and seeing movies or concerts again together, just like the good old days. I need to go check out to see the testimonial that she posted there about her recovery. How truly inspiring it is!


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