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Monday, May 30, 2011

Gifting and Gift Wraps

I love giving gifts. It is always an enjoyable experience looking at the face of the person, whom I have just given a gift, transforms and light up from the moment he or she tears the wrapping paper, opens the box, and then see the gift I have for him or her inside it. There is always that satisfying feeling whenever I see the joy my gift brought to that person.

It has always been my desire for my gift to bring joy to its receiver, so I spend considerable time looking for the right gift, the right box and the right gift wrap. For me, gift wrapping is a craft and an art. From choosing the perfect box amongst the numerous boxes of different sizes and shapes to the perfect ribbon that would adorn the wrapped box and give it its final touch. There are already a number of people who have admired my craftsmanship in gift wrapping to the point that they come to me and ask me to wrap their own gifts. This is especially true during birthdays in the family and circle of friends and during Christmas. One time my husband suggested that I should start a business with this. I could be earning from something I really love doing.


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