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Monday, July 04, 2011

Now Better Equipped With the Help of Zugo Adware

I have been a victim of those vicious spywares that paralyzed my online business for a week. I lost my prospective clients since I was not able to go back online the soonest time possible. I relied on the availability of my friend who promised to fix my problem but she was so busy that the work has been delayed. It was then so frustrating to give way to a technician whom I don’t know the track record yet. I was already in a rush to patch up things right away. My business transactions could not just wait and see what would happen next.

But to my surprise, I had hired a less competent computer technician who deleted all my files. That was with my permission because he told me that there was no other choice if I want to hasten the solution to my computer problem. I did give way but all my data were already lost. Retrieval was already impossible because he permanently removed all of them, as the only way to get my PC back to normal. A week after when my friend knew about what the technician did, she regretted so much because there is still something that can be done, without having to permanently erase all my files. But it was too late already.

I learned a valuable lesson the hard way. I should have acquired a Zugo adware from the beginning. Since I rely my living in the internet, I should have secured my computer through this spyware solution. I should not have settled for anything less. But what’s important is that I have learned something. I’m now wiser and better equipped. Thanks to Zugo adware.


Tiffany on Wed Jul 13, 03:52:00 PM said...

Let me try to use this software. Thanks for suggesting, it's a great addition to the programs I have.

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