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Sunday, October 09, 2011

Tips for Starting Off College Right

So you finally were able to select the school where you will spend your college life. What is next then? College is a very important stage in a student’s life because it can bring about a big change that will dictate your career future after graduation. It can also be difficult to adjust to the new environment, as college is totally all different from high school life. 
So it is really important that students should give particular attention to how they will spend their next 4 or 5 years of their life in college so they will be able to survive the hurdles and challenges that this new adventure brings so they can graduate and finish a degree in flying colors. 

Here are a few tips to help any student start college off right: 
  1. Get to Know your School. Even before the semester starts, visit your school so you can familiarize yourself with the new environment. You may already have your schedule, so you can check out where your classrooms will be located so you know your way already on your first day as a college student.
    But colleges and universities are big campuses so don’t expect to know the surrounding right away. Don’t be scared to ask around especially to older students and instructors so they can help you get settled.
  1. Get to Know the System. Know the policies of the school so you will be sure that you are doing everything as right. Some universities also offer mix setup where some classes are setup in a traditional way, where students are required to attend class in a classroom environment, and some subjects can be taken via e-learning program. This can be a great advantage so students can take some subjects online which can give them more time to concentrate on their major subjects.
    Check out if these options are available so you can enjoy the benefit of a distance-learning program. Once you decided to enroll, get to know the system like the learning management system that the university is using so you will know where and how to get information that you need to get through the course.
  1. Form a Study Habit and Stick to it. College may pose a bigger challenge for students, as setup can be entirely different than high school life. You may even find it difficult to juggle between schedules and you may sometimes feel that there is not enough time to finish everything. That is why it is important to establish a study habit and be organize to get things done.
  1. Find Balance. You may be too busy studying to cope up with the demands of college life, but you should still find balance to find time not just for studies but to socialize and spend some personal time too.
    Check out the various clubs and groups available in your school and you may find something that may interest you. Start joining these clubs as it is also a good way to meet new friends outside your class. 
    You can also start a study group or join one so you can find a support group to help you with your studies. 
    Spend some time too for yourself. At least allocate a certain time where you will just enjoy the thing that you love the most, be it just a coffee in your favorite coffee shop, watch a movie, spend some time in the spa or just any activity where you can just relax. It is nice if you are hardworking and studios but it is also important that you take a break as you might get burned out too. 
With the following tips in mind, you will surely adjust in no time and will find your way in starting off college right.


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