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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Newark Refrigerator Repair

A major refrigerator repair issue can be hectic.

Here are some repair tips from Newark appliance and AC repair local provider:
Condenser coils which can cut short of their cooling process. Condenser failure can be brought about by a build-up in dirt in the condenser which creates an insulating wall around the coils preventing them from releasing the cold air to the cooling compartments. Build-ups are taken care off through cleaning the coils and always keeping them cleaning to prevent future problems.

Beside the condenser another unnoticeable contribution to fridge problems is damage to the seals that keep the fridge doors tightly shut. Loose fridge doors calculate to lose of the cool air which then upsets the temperature settings of the fridge. The good thing about the modern day refrigerators is that they come with a detection alarm that goes off when the doors aren’t properly closed. If the alarm beeps but the doors appear properly closed then the sealing is loose. The seals can easily be glued back in place to ensure they don’t have frost leaks. If they look worn out, as the case of a used up fridge, you will need to trade them with new ones.

Another technology advantage of the modern day refrigerator is the ability to set itself on ‘defrost’ when there is a lot of ice in the freezer. High frost build up can also impair your freezing or cooling compartments as opposed to improving their cooling efficiency. For the modern refrigerator, they automatically go on defrost mode whenever excess ice is detected. But if you fridge is vintage, you can access the defrost button and turn it off for the excess ice to melt in the compartments.


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